Our Parent Site
Our Members
About Us
The Wrong Stuff
Carrier Pigeon Dispatches

May 2023
<> We celebrate the coronation of His Majesty, King Charles III. Huzzah!
<> We welcome our newest member, Nhysa, who has adopted the Hussars name of [1stHssr] Drippy.

Please bear with us - elements of this site are still being worked on.
Our Mission Goal
~ Have Fun and Play As A Team ~
The Hussars are not like a standard online gaming clan, oh no. 
We aren't even that keen on the word "clan" as with online gaming there can be a negative association with elitism and even juvenile behaviour, which has no place in our view of how to behave on the internet.
Instead, we prefer the term "regiment" (although from a purely numerical perspective, "company" would be a better fit and it also sounds rather friendly doesn't it? "Company of Zeroes" perhaps?). 
We firmly believe that the most important thing to remember in gaming is to have fun. Therefore, we do not participate in clan leagues or ladders and do not take ourselves too seriously. We understand that our members have (allegedly) private lives as well and we do not expect rigidly adhered-to attendence. We also do not recruit based upon skill, but only on a person's willingness to act as part of a team and to uphold the standards of fair play and fun at the heart of the Hussars.

Our Clan Tags
Clan tags are abbreviations of contractions of the full name used to designate clan affiliation within a game and can either me added as part of the player name or (where supported), set up as special prefix. Unfortunately, the number and type of characters allowed within a clan tag vary from game to game and thus we have had to modify the tags over the years depending upon this. The below list are the common variations we have adopted:

[1stHssr]   The original and full tag - used for the earlier Battlefield and Call of Duty games, as well as Left 4 Dead
[1Hsr]   The shortened version - used for most modern games; Battlefield, Call of Duty, Company of Heroes, etc.
[1H]   Ultra-short version used for games with severe restrictions; Joint Ops, CoD 4 and Rainbow Six Vegas.
[1H20]   A special "20 minuters" version used for flight sims; IL-2 Sturmovik, Lock On and Pacific Fighters.