Monthly Archives: November 2010

We’ve Moved!

24 November 2010
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Well, we have moved web hosts anyway. The migration was as smooth as a particularly rough piece of sandpaper, but now it is done and we are back in place.
Thanks to the support team at our new hosts ( for all their efforts.

Call of Duty: Black Ops is here

10 November 2010
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It has been highly anticipated by some, but roused a certain level of indifference by others.

Still, after the debacle that was Modern Warfare 2 (for the PC anyway) it will be refershing to dig into a new CoD game once more.
This one seems to have some interesting game modes, even though it does continue the trend of having smaller fixed server sizes (18 player max) to keep the data flow reasonable for the console chaps.

Will you be getting it?