Hussars News

Another Problem

15 May 2013
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Not a problem with the wordpress site this time, but an issue with the database the forums use.

We are getting an “IPS Driver error” message on the SQL database.

I have raised it with our hosts who are investigating it.


Please be patient and check back here for updates.




17 April 2013
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There is a problem with the forum at the moment where for some reason it appears to be redirecting to another directory on the site that doesn’t contain the forum and therefore doesn’t work.

Our web hosts are looking into the issue and I will update this page once it has been resolved.

Apologies for any inconvenience.


Hussars Tenth Birthday Bash – week 4

24 November 2012
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This is the fourth and final  gaming sessions designed to bring us together with a selection of games that we have played, past and present  over the past ten years.

Each Saturday for the past four weeks, we have been gathering for a bit of fun in the selected games.
So to finish off the celebrations, here is the fourth couple of games:

Saturday 24th November:

20:00 BATTLEFIELD 3 on our own server or paradrop into a public one depending upon numbers
21:30 Planetside 2On the Woodman server as New Conglomerate



Hussars Tenth Birthday Bash – Week 3

15 November 2012
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This is the third of four gaming sessions designed to bring us together with a selection of games that we have played, past and present over the past ten years.

Each Saturday for the next four weeks, we will be gathering for a bit of fun in the selected games.
So to try again, here is the third couple of games:

Saturday 17th November:

20:00 BATTLEFIELD 1942 (Origin Version)Find a random server and paradrop into it if the 7DR one is unavailable
21:30 RACE07 + GT Power PackHussars 10th Birthday Server (thanks Rum). Details on the forum thread



Hussars Tenth Birthday Bash – Week 2

4 November 2012
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This is the second of four gaming sessions designed to bring us together with a selection of games that we have played, past and present over the past ten years.

Each Saturday for the next four weeks, we will be gathering for a bit of fun in the selected games.
So to try again, here is the second couple of games:

Saturday 10th November:

20:00 SPACE MARINEFind a random server and paradrop into it. If numbers are low we could go for co-op
21:30 COMPANY OF HEROESDepending upon numbers we could go for a single skirmish, a versus game or two skirmishes



Hussars Tenth Birthday Bash – Week 1

1 November 2012
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This is the first of four gaming sessions designed to bring us together with a selection of games that we have played, past and present over the past ten years.

Each Saturday for the next four weeks, we will be gathering for a bit of fun in the selected games.
So to start things rolling, here is the first couple of games:

Saturday 3rd November:

20:00 Call of Duty: World At WarFind a random server and paradrop into it. If numbers are low we could go for co-op
21:30 Dirt 3Join someone else’s game – likely to be Cat & Mouse



The Big ONE-OH

21 September 2012
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Players of the Battlefield series may have noticed that DICE is having a week-long celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Battlefield games, which of course started in 2002 with the release in September of Battlefield 1942.

Their celebration includes cut-price games from Origin, the re-release of classic Battlefield trailers and wallpapers and other such stuff from earlier games. Oh yes and lots of cake in their offices.


From our perspective of course, the 1st Hussars will also be celebrating their 10th anniversary this year, having been formed while playing Battlefield 1942. This means one or more special get-together events with games ranging from the old Battlefield games to the new Battlefield games and various other games we have enjoyed over the years.


More details will be available once we work out what the hell we are doing.



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