Happy birthday us!
Today marks the twelfth anniversary since discussions between Messrs. Flasheart (Major Headache) and Baldric (Pte Niles) decided to fly in the face of received opinion and form a clan based not on competitive gaming, but on a desire to get together and have fun. It was (despite what they felt at the time) not the first such clan and will not be the last, but it was certainly a dramatic influence on an entire gaming community and would be so for years.
While many of those early recruits are no longer with us, a few are and despite many changes over the years, we have staggered on while many of our fellow clans have foundered. We raise a cheery wave with our fellow survivors from that battlefield community from many years ago and raise a toast to all those who have served with us in the past, who serve with us still and who will join us in the future.
Huzzah and pass the toilet duck 🙂